About Us

About Tangaza university library

The Library provides print, audio-visual, and electronic resources to meet the teaching and learning needs of Tangaza university students and staff. With 160,000 plus print items and subscriptions to over 30 journals and e-book databases, the Library's collections reflects a diverse and dynamic collection of information materials from all academic discipline, with a soul purpose of providing readily available information to all our clients. The Library staff are committed to providing user-oriented services and cultivating a dynamic resource collection in support of the Seminary’s teaching and service mission. Although the Library collects materials on various subjects, the focus of the collection centers on religious and theological studies. The Library's resources are ecumenical in scope, but its particular strength is Methodist studies. The Library is recognized for the excellence of its collections and for its response to the information needs of students, faculty, and other researchers

our mission

To support teaching, learning and research activities by rendering quality service to users, acquiring relevant information resources and providing relevant multiple communication networks

our vision

To be a knowledge centre, enabling intense intellectual inquiry that aims at holistic human formation based on the gospel values by providing a dynamic learning environment and proactively linking faith with reason

our Objectives

  1. To identify, collect, store, manage and make available relevant, quality and up-to-date sources of information to support the university’s programs
  2. To provide an efficient and effective library and information services that meet the information needs of the clients.
  3. To provide information and communication technology facilities in step with current advances and user needs.
  4. To assist and enhance library skills among library users in searching, accessing and acquiring accurate information through information literacy skills.
  5. To adopt information dissemination strategies e.g. Current Awareness Services (CAS) and Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) for maximum utilisation of available information resources
  6. To provide sufficient archival services
  7. To manage the institutional repository
  8. To recruit, develop and grow a highly motivated staff in the provision of library and information services.

Our Team

Agava Stanislaus

Chief Librarian
ext. 150

Jackline Aminde

Assistant Chief Librarian
ext. 201

Jane Langata

ext. 206

Paul Okoth

ext. 208

Sophi Chebet

ext. 153

Sr. Rachael Butler

ext. 145