Electronic Resources


The library subscribes to many online journal databases such as JSTOR, EBSCO, Oxford, Cambridge, Gale, Project Muse , Ebrary etc. where you can access full text articles from hundreds of journals, and some e-books. The subscription has been paid by the University, and you therefore use the services free of charge.
PLEASE use this service — it is a wonderful source of research material. Training is provided as part of your methodology classes, and on request at a Help Desk. Once you have experience and would like to help others, become an Ambassador.
Use the computers provided in Mary Immaculate and Nuru libraries or your laptops. Ask for your laptop to be customized by the Cyber staff. There are plenty of hotspots around the campus.
Please note that the Tangaza E-resources system is free of charge – if the site asks you to pay, either that particular journal is not available to us, or there is something wrong: please report this to a librarian.



Open Access List

Open Access Dictionaries and Encyclopedias